
2024 Tree and Shrub Sale and Order Pickups!

The order pickup will be at the Delta Barn (Livestock Barn) at the Tanana Valley Fairgrounds.  The sale and pickup days are Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25 from 10am to 4pm.

Directions: The address for the Fairgrounds is 1800 College Road; however, the entrance to the Fairgrounds is actually at 1600 College Rd, which is the RED GATE.  To get to the Delta Barn: turn north off of College Road onto Red Gate Road by the old Aurora Motel and Cabins (1600 College Rd).  Stay to the left/west of the buildings and take this back way into the Fairgrounds.  Park in the parking lot then walk through the Red Gate to get to the barn and pick up your order.

Here is a link to a map of the Fairgrounds: https://www.tvsfa.org/p/getconnected/maps.  The Delta Barn is Number 13 on this map.

For order pick-ups, you can bring your order number or say your last name at the pickup table.  You should arrange to have someone else pick up your order for you if you cannot make the date/time.  Please make sure that your order is picked up on time this year as there will be NO LATE PICKUPS.  Unfortunately, we have lost our storage yard over the winter at our office location on 590 University AVE and, therefore, our ability to hold orders and inventory past the tree sale.

Nora’s Perennials, Alaska Fruit Trees, Fairbanks Garden Club, and Waste-Me-Naught will be at the Fairgrounds as vendors during the sale.  Stay tuned to our Facebook page for which days the vendors will be there.  FSWCD will have a vendor table on both days where you can purchase haskap/honeyberry ($25) red currant ($20), and russet buffaloberry ($10.00).

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!

The 2024 Annual

Tree and Shrub Sale will be:

Friday, May 24 – Saturday, May 25

(Our website is open for preorders!  Check the Trees and Shrubs Page!

Last day for preorder is Wednesday, May 22)

2024 Tree and Shrub Sale

Things to Remember:

1.) The majority of the plants we offer are bare-root seedlings in various stages of dormancy.

2.) Sometimes delays happen – either through shipping or late snow years.  If it is difficult to absorb a delay, please have a back-up plan for pickup.  We will offer extra days for pickup if this occurs.

3.) We will have vendors at the order pickup this year with FSWCD offering red currant, haskap (honeyberry), and gooseberry.  Hopefully, there will be more!

Our Mission

The mission of FSWCD is to serve its cooperators, private landowners and all citizens of the district by promoting wise development and conservation of natural resources. FSWCD offers educational, technical and financial resources and works with a   variety of partners to meet their goals.  FSWCD’s critical natural resource areas include:

  • Prevention and Eradication of Invasive Species
  • Conservation of Plant & Soil Resources
  • A Viable Agricultural Community
  • Conservation/Maintenance of Water Resources
  • Conservation of Forest Resources
  • Natural Resource Education

Please read more about the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District by visiting us at our other website:
